Ana Scent at Mehrspur Zurich

Wow, have you ever been at Mehrspur? Well, I’ve never been at the old place, but the actual local next to ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts) is super nice and comfy. In the local there is a café/bar upstairs and downstairs the little club with stage. You’d love to study next door, just so you can hang out there more often 😉

I told you about Ana Scent before. She’s been a special guest on Pegasus‘ tour and I’ve seen her master concert at Moods. Oh and of course back then the concert at Zurich festival. Her fabulous voice, her charisma, stage presence – I liked it so well. So I was even more looking forward to her concert at Mehrspur. Okay, on this evening I was confronted and quite irritated by ‘”warnings” and comments like ‘it’s different now’ and ‘it’s more electonical’ as well that they are only a trio now. Great, if people listen and remember, what you like or like less. But if everyone’s talking at you, you suddendly start doubting…

There was nothing to doubt at all! Ok, of course it sounds different as a trio. At Moods they’ve been a band of 8 on stage, on this evening she was accompaigned by Niklaus Gehrig on the drums and Marcel Frautschi on bass. But Ana Scent got great songs with wonderful lyrics. Yes, her music got more electronical, with more synthies. But the songs are multisided, with great melodies, intoxicating beats and very touching. She’s still playing real great popmusic.

And besides there were these two artists next to the stage. During the concert of the trio a woman was creating wire figurines and a guy “quickly” painted during the show the three of them playing. With seemingly only a few lines he created a real artwork. I would have loved to take it home. An incredible souvenir! 🙂

Yes, so if you get the chance to go see Ana Scent, then absolutely do so. The dates of the next concerts you can find on And if you want to know more of her background, then have a look at the interview Interview & Showcase of CHTV.